Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Moving from one event horizon to another, it's easy to get trapped in the moment, eternally staring back at where you came from even as your feet are pointing to where you'd like to be going. You twist 'round, watching the halo of light in front of you, and wondering when you lost yours. Far above Terra, Heaven is still nowhere to be seen and the only thing felt is a vacuum matching the void inside you. But, don't worry, all things in good time and everything in its right place: Eventually, abhorrent Nature will fill you up, feel you up, fill you in, color within your lines, scribble outside and past the boundaries of your yesterday. Eventually. For now, enjoy the still life. You're still living, after all. This is just one page out of the biophysics textbook describing your life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

--- The mathematician then surrounded himself with a small stretch of fence and proclaimed, “I define myself as the outside.” ---

And on which side do you stand? Where no light can enter? Or where it can’t escape? Reaching across the Möbius, you find the other side filled with boundaries. But here you’re free to stand on your own acceleration. Except for one rule: don’t dig to deep, for you might make a hole.